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Fall is here, and in most states that means cooler weather. We have customers across the United States and Canada, so we know there are some lucky folks that enjoy warm weather year around. In this issue, we would like to mention three things you can do quickly and easily to prepare for cooler weather.
Check your antifreeze if you live where temperatures will be below freezing;
- Consider a quality biodegradable, non-toxic coolant like Amsoil Antifreeze and Coolant.
This product is non-toxic, and won’t injure your pets if they accidentally drink it. The Amsoil Dominator Coolant Boost will also allow your car to warm up more quickly in cold weather.
- Check your tires; make sure they are properly inflated, and have good winter tread for use in areas that get snow.
- Now is a good time to get new wipers. It’s better to check and replace them now, and not in the middle of a blizzard. We carry the entire line of Trico wipers for any vehicle.
For Diesel engines;
- Amsoil has a complete line of diesel fuel additives to ensure you don’t have any cold weather problems with your diesel fueled vehicle. There is a Cetane Booster, Flow Improver, and a Diesel Recovery Emergency Fuel Treatment. The Diesel Recovery is formulated for use in a system that is already exhibiting symptoms of gelling or freezing. Keep one in the back of the truck just in case.
Amsoil News;
New product vehicle specific pages; under our main link with “SyntheticOilHQ” on the tab, you can now see individual pages with the products related to a specific use. There is one for motorcycles, diesels, heavy trucking, racing, towing, snowmobiles, etc. This is an easy way to see the listing of all products including oil, filters, fuel additives, wipers, etc., that are targeted for a specific use.
All motorcycle products on one page for easy shopping!
New Website – SyntheticOilHQ
If you are interested, here are a few things we would appreciate as we continue to get our new website SyntheticOilHQ up and running. We launched this new site on April 1, and traffic has been doubling every month. We have a Blog, and hundreds of pages of content.
- If you can, please visit the new Synthetic Oil HQ site.
- If you like anything you see, please Tweet or share it using the “share” button on the top right.
- If you have a Twitter account, please follow us. You can use the link on the site, just follow us on Twitter here. We don’t Tweet a lot, but generally when we update the site, or the blog.
- If you have a minute to read the blog, please add comments. If you want to be an Editor on the blog, just let me know and I’ll let you post articles there.
- We also have a free automotive focused link exchange, please feel free to use that if you are interested.
- We are considering attending several local car shows in the fall, there will be more news. Anyone who is in KC who might be interested in assisting let me know.
- We are also interested in any testimonials. A short paragraph of what Amsoil products you like, how you use them, and a photo would be great, and we would post them on the website.
- We were a vendor at the Gladstone Car Show, check out the pictures here. We also host the website for this site, which is associated with the Gladstone Chamber of Commerce.
Amsoil Coffee Mug

We are also going to start gathering testimonials. If you send us a testimonial that we post online on our website, we wills send you a free Amsoil cup, or some similar logo item. To quality you must;
- Send a quality photo of you, preferably with the Amsoil supported vehicle.
- Include a short paragraph of your experience with Amsoil; what you use it for, how long you’ve been using it, your experience with the products.
- What products you use.
- Sending this information to us assumes granting permission to use on our website.