AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil (ATM) and 10 competing conventional, synthetic and synthetic blend 10W-30 motor oils were subjected to a series of motor oil tests. The competing oils included petroleum-based Castrol GTX, Chevron Supreme, Havoline, Formula Shell and Pennzoil, as well as synthetic-blends Trop Artic and Motorcraft, and full-synthetic Pennzoil Platinum, Quaker State Advanced Full Synthetic and Mobil 1 Extended Performance. Seven tests were run on the motor oils. The Thin-Film Oxygen Uptake Test (TFOUT) measures the oxidation stability of engine oils. The NOACK Volatility Test measures the evaporation loss of oils in high temperature service. Pour Point indicates the lowest temperature at which a fluid will flow. Total Base Number (TBN) is the measurement of a lubricant’s reserve alkalinity for combating acids. The Cold Cranking Simulator Test (CCS) indicates the degree to which a lubricant can impact cold weather starting. A final test to compare cost per 25,000 miles of operation was also conducted to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of using a synthetic oil over extended drain intervals. The impressive test results show AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil outperformed the competitors in nearly every test. |
The Thin Film Oxygen Uptake Test (TFOUT) is used to evaluate engine oil’s ability to resist heat and oxygen breakdown when contaminated with oxidized/nitrated fuel, water, and soluble metals such as lead, copper, iron, manganese and silicon. This test is designed to mimic the operating conditions of a gasoline engine. AMSOIL 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil has superior heat and oxidation resistance to control sludge deposits and extend oil life. Engines stay clean for maximum protection and oil changes are reduced, saving time and money. |
The NOACK Volatility Test determines the evaporation loss of lubricants in high temperature service. The more motor oils vaporize, the thicker and heavier they become, contributing to poor circulation, reduced fuel economy and increased oil consumption, wear and emissions. AMSOIL 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil resists high temperature volatilization (evaporation) better than other motor oils. AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil maintains peak fuel efficiency and reduces oil consumption and emissions. |
The Pour Point Test determines the lowest temperature at which a lubricant will flow. The lower a lubricant’s pour point, the better protection it provides in low temperature service. Unlike conventional oils that solidify in cold temperatures, AMSOIL 10W-30 Synthetic Motor oil remains fluid down to -58° F. AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil helps engines turn over easier and flows quickly to engine parts for critical start-up protection. Engines start faster and wear is greatly reduced for extended engine life. |
Total Base Number (TBN) is the measurement of a lubricant’s reserve alkalinity, which aids in the control of acids formed during the combustion process. The higher a motor oil’s TBN, the more effective it is in suspending wear-causing contaminants and reducing the corrosive effects of acids over an extended period of time. The high TBN of AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil allows it to effectively combat wear-causing contaminants and acids, providing superior protection and performance over extended drain intervals. |
The Cold Crank Simulator Test determines the apparent viscosity of lubricants at low temperatures and high shear rates. Viscosity of lubricants under these conditions is directly related to engine cranking and startability. The lower a lubricant’s cold crank viscosity, the easier an engine will turn over in cold temperatures. The low cold crank viscosity of AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil reduces drag on moving engine parts and allows engines to achieve critical cranking speed in extremely frigid temperatures. Engines turn over quickly and dependably in the coldest winter temperatures. |
The Four-Ball Wear Test evaluates the protection provided by engine oil under conditions of pressure and sliding motion. The size of the scar left as a result of the test determines the amount of wear protection the lubricant provides. The smaller the wear scar, the better the protection. Tests show that AMSOIL 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil has better antiwear performance than all other oils tested. With AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil, engine life can be extended and major repairs are often reduced. |
By extending oil drain intervals through its premium formulation, AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil saves drivers money. A value comparison shows AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil costs less than competing motor oils over 25,000 miles. While competing motor oils must be changed up to fi ve times over 25,000 miles, AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil is only changed once, saving both time and money. |
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